Support us

We at the Raganiukė Theater believe that young people’s lives can change if we create innovative shows for them, encouraging children to question and explore the world around them. We need your support to make that happen.

If you love the Raganiukė Theater and want to support culture for children, join us.

You can make a one-time donation or support us regularly in whatever amount you’re able. Your monthly support will enable us to continue to create world-class theater that is accessible to all.

Kviečiame 1,2 proc. GPM dalį skirti Raganiukės teatrui

Paramos gavėjo identifikacinis numeris (juridinio asmens kodas): 123819077
Paramos gavėjo pavadinimas: VšĮ Raganiukės teatras

Kur pervesti finansinę paramą?

Sąskaitos nr. LT214010042403993975
Luminor Bank AS Lietuvos skyrius, banko kodas 40100
Gavėjas: VšĮ Raganiukės teatras
Gavėjo įmonės kodas: 123819077