Puss in Boots (Kopija)

A one-act play.

05-04 Saturday 12:00
Pasirinkite norimas vietas


12,60 14,60 

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From the series “The World’s Best Creators of Fairy Tales for Children”

“You put on your shoes and go…”

“But where to?”

“To Puss in Boots!”

This play is based on a tale from French storyteller Charles Perrault. Audiences will meet a wise and witty cat; his owner Laučias, a simple man; the Princess; the not-so-scary beard-man, and others. The clever cat teaches children that every difficult situation in life can be overcome – all you need is a little patience and wisdom. This charming little cat will cheer-up even the grumpiest audience members!

Cast: L. Jakštytė, P. Liubinas, I. Minderienė, L. Vinciūnaitė and Triušis.
A one-act play.
N-3: This show is intended for children from 3 years old.

Additional information for viewers

  • The doors to the theater open 50 minutes before the performance.
  • Before the performance, meet the Little Witch in the theater lobby, get to know her and take a picture with her.
  • Spectators who are late after the third call are not allowed.
  • Children are not admitted free of charge. You can keep the child on your lap if it does not disturb other spectators, but it is necessary to buy a ticket, because the number of security personnel in the hall is limited.
  • The theater reserves the right to change the repertoire.
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