Cat@Rooster (Kopija) (Copy) (Copy) (Copy)

A one-act play.

04-06 Sunday 12:00
Pasirinkite norimas vietas


A musical, educational performance for children from 4 years old, in which the children’s beloved characters of Cat, Fox, and Rooster participate.

This is a contemporary story for children about being careful online. In this modern fairy tale, an ordinary forest becomes a forest network in which various cyber threats lurk. Unfortunately, this time the gullible Rooster – an active Internet user – becomes a victim of the sly Fox. Rooster is saved by his best friend Cat, who in this new adaptation of the fairy tale reveals himself as having knowledge of careful behavior on the Internet. Thanks to the cat, Rooster learns the most important lessons in using the latest technologies – to choose and visit only safe websites, and not to trust strangers on the Internet.

Cast: D. Trasykis, E. Paulavičius, L. Firšova, L. Urbona.
A one-act play.
N-3 Intended for children from 3 years old.

Additional information for viewers

  • The doors to the theater open 50 minutes before the performance.
  • Before the performance, meet the Little Witch in the theater lobby, get to know her and take a picture with her.
  • Spectators who are late after the third call are not allowed.
  • Children are not admitted free of charge. You can keep the child on your lap if it does not disturb other spectators, but it is necessary to buy a ticket, because the number of security personnel in the hall is limited.
  • The theater reserves the right to change the repertoire.
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