
International theater festival

The International Modern Theater for a Modern Child festival will be hosted by the Raganiukė Theater!

Autumn 2024.

The festival will bring together theaters from all over the world. In the festival program, young Lithuanian spectators will be able to see performances of different genres intended for various age groups.

The festival will last 3 days and will feature:

the French children’s theater Dynamogène (Nimes) – Mister Culbuto;

the German children’s theater Mitossi (Berlin) – Mitossi Showtime;

the Georgian Children’s Theater Mozardi (Tbilisi) – The Ant and the Flea;

the Danish children’s theater Dansk Rakkerpark – Tam Vild;

the Norwegian children’s theater Teater Fusentast (Trondheim) – Sand between the Fingers.

Come and meet theaters from all over the world!

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